It's that time of the year--THE busiest time for job searching. If you're a job seeker, this is your Super Bowl, your Miss America, your World Cup. And just in time for your big, mecca moment, NPR and Twitter have pulled together a team of experts (including me!) to help you with your search.In addition to recruiters and hiring managers from both companies, I'll be joining the panel along with career and job search experts including Craig Fisher, Alexandra Levit, Curtis Midkiff and Laurie Ruettimann. We'll all be answering YOUR questions about job searching and sharing our tips.
How's this working?
The chat will be one hour, co-moderated by the @NPRjobs account and Twitter’s @JoinTheFlock.
How can I ask a question?
Submit your questions (starting NOW!) anytime before Friday, January 25 using the #NPRTwitterChat hashtag. We'll tackle as many as we can.
Can anyone join?
Yep. And you can help us promote it too. Try this tweet: "Career advice from Twitter, NPR, @SusanLaMotte @lruettimann @fishdogs @levit @SHRMSMG: 1/31, 5-6p ET, Ask ?s now: #NPRTwitterChat."