Thursday Lunch Break: Travel and Relax


Today's Thursday Lunch Break is live from London. That's right, I'm on vacation. Yes, I do travel much of the time but it's almost always for work. This time I convinced my mom to join me (#MominLondon) and had an "I needed this" moment at afternoon tea, at The Goring Hotel. We sat down to gorgeous yellow china teacups and a request to turn off our phones, put away our cameras and just talk, accompanied by this quote.

It's so true. After reading Meredith Fineman's recent post on unplugging, I realized that I too, am so connected I miss out on moments because I am too busy trying to capture them. And none of us can really relax smartly anymore.

So, stop whatever you're doing right now. Dig into your savings and plan a trip. Not sure where to start? Don't want another beach or ski vacation? Try this amazing list of travel specialists from Wendy Perrin at Conde Nast. Or, just have a technology-free day or weekend with someone you love. Get inspired, dump the gadgets and get to know the people you're with. Hi Mom, nice to meet you.

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