Talent and HR News Roundup: Talent Trends of the Future

October brings one of HR's most popular conferences, HR Tech. Thousands of HR geeks will gather to see the latest in talent tech-- a can't miss conference if you're in the business of selling or buying HR technology.

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But we often mistake the future of HR for the newest tools--forgetting that these platforms (while fantastic), are often just platforms. And it's a big mistake to deploy a tool without a strategy. Where does it fit in the future of your business?

This week we've done some trendspotting. What are HR leaders citing as talent trends for 2014 and beyond? Some are downright obvious citing increased use of social networking. Duh. But others explore the return to business, sourcing strength and an increasingly regulated United States.

If I had to forecast one trend few people are talking about? Data mining for employee sentiment. I tried to find a company that could do this back in 2010 but none existed. The goal? Mine online data for conversation about workplace experience and pinpoint trends and challenges to address overall and in specific company locations. Forget what the surveys say is the best workplace. What are the people saying right now? Ok, so that's mine. Someone invent this please (and give me credit).

Now, on with the trendspotting:

1) Is Sourcing the New Recruiting?

From Sourcecon.com: "Here’s the bottom-line reality: you can’t paint these functions with one brushstroke. But truly, sourcing today is the new recruiting. And whether you’re looking to drive your sourcing or recruiting career in a particular direction, or you’re looking to build your team with smart, knowledgeable professionals, you need to be willing to change, adapt, grow, and potentially explore new avenues."

2) The Future of HR: It's Getting Back into the People Business

From TLNT.com: "There is a non-stop push for more rules and regulations coming out of Washington from all manner of federal agencies and departments — NLRB, EEOC,Department of Labor, OSHA, and others. This is largely due to the activist nature of the current administration, and, the complete and total abdication by Congress to do anything except argue, bicker, and play politics. Businesses and organizations are having to spend a disproportionate amount of time on the defensive, reacting to the tsunami of regulations, and it shows no sign of slowing any time soon."

3) 2013 Trends in Talent Acquisition

"LinkedIn recently released the results of a survey detailing some of the top trends in Talent Acquisition for 2013 and comparing how those statistics vary between the United States and the rest of the globe. Exploring some of the key takeaways, we see an increased focus on developing the employer brand, social networks playing multiple roles in the process, and more firms seeking passive candidates."

Think these are wrong? Want to be the trendsetter? Take a cue from Tim Kastelle....

4) The Future is Co-Created

"Timing is important. The right idea at the wrong time is still wrong. It’s entirely possible to see the future now, but to be unable to capitalise on this vision because the world isn’t ready for it yet. People often have difficulty in telling you what they need – but you can experiment together to figure out what will work."


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