The Value of Local Learning: RecruitDC


Regardless of the business you're in, learning has to be a regular part of your routine. Otherwise you miss technology, innovation and quite simply, what's happening all around you. It's one thing to engage in online content, but another to hear it live, engage, ask questions and hear what others think about what you just heard. But while conferences have value well beyond our online selves, they're often overwhelming or hard to navigate. That's where local comes in.Every locale, every geography has its own set of challenges that make doing business there hard. And DC is no different. Besides the government shutdown, (the small issue you might have heard about on the news), the uniquenesses about where I live and work most days play heavily into how I do business. While understanding what global colleagues face is important, it's often more productive and easier to learn here at home.

Case in point: if you're a recruiter or recruiting leader here in DC, your candidates have a different combination of challenges than they might somewhere else. Commute + security clearances + transience. Oh, and did I mention income? Six of the ten wealthiest counties* in the United States are in the DC-metro area. Consider how that impacts your compensation strategy. And that's why local learning matters and why I'm proud to be a part of RecruitDC.

A local, grassroots conference, RecruitDC takes universal challenges local. And this Fall is no different. Our sell-out conferences (2x a year) highlight the classic needs talent leaders face here. November's event will feature big data, mobile recruiting and building influence and trust on the job. If you're a local HR leader, it's a can't-miss event. So the next time you're creating your professional development plan and trying to learn on a small budget, think local!

And if you're local to DC, I hope you'll join me on November 14. Grab your tickets before they sell-out!


*The latest Census data puts the top five median incomes by county as DC-area counties. I'd show you the data of their latest study but it's not available because guessed it, the government shutdown.


exaqueo is a workforce consultancy that helps startups and high-growth companies build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you build a workforce that’s aligned with your company culture and develop an employer brand that will allow your business to scale the right way.

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