HR and Talent Weekly Roundup: Jumpstart Your Culture


Another year, a fresh perspective, a renewed chance to think about the role people play in your organization. If you're thinking about rebooting your culture in 2014, stop and pay attention to the pieces we've found this week to help jumpstart that process.

Remember, culture isn't just a list of values on a wall. I heard from one company on this very snowy day with safety as a core value. Leadership never bothered to communicate to employees on whether offices were open or reminded them to be safe. Huh.

If you want a perspective on how to better your culture, let us know. We offer startup culture audits for clients ($1200.00) and full-scale culture analyses for high-growth companies.

Our first story this week? A video interview...

1) Medallia’s Amy Pressman On Onboarding To Create Corporate Culture from Tech Crunch

"We hire really smart people and really driven people but we want them to realize their full potential and deliver that in performance cand one of the things we want them to do is get comfortable learning all the time taking smart risks and being relaly willing to hold up a mirror when something doesn't go well and being able to say this is what I learned from it. We do a wee

2) 10 Things You'll Want To Remember In 2014 from OPEN Forum

"In the midst of the huge news stories that affected small business owners in 2013, OPEN Forum ran a number of articles that resonated with our readers, whether it was to their desire to be more productive or to be better employers. With all the think pieces and year in reviews rolling out as 2013 comes to a close, it's easy to forget some of the things we've read these last 12 months."

3) How to Engender a Performance Culture from

"New Year’s resolutions aren’t just for people trying to drop a few pounds or organize their closets. With 2014 fast approaching, corporations, too, are thinking about what they might do differently in the year ahead. The Katzenbach Center [found] a stunning 60 percent of survey respondents say culture is even more important to business success than a company’s strategy or operating model."

4) How Startup Founders Set the Right Company Culture from

"Great cultures don’t just happen. If it’s your startup, you have to make it happen, and it’s worth the effort to start on that first. I assure you that it’s easier to set it right at the start than it is to change it later. Key elements of building the right culture include a written and communicated business plan, defining and practicing company values and measuring your progress."

Susan LaMotte is the founder of exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps startups and high-growth companies build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about how we can help you build a workforce that’s aligned with your company culture and develop an employer brand that will allow your business to scale the right way.

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