It’s no surprise that recruiting is evolving, and even changing as I write. Gone are the days when a simple newspaper ad brings in qualified candidates. Technology is making it easier to connect with and understand people. We have more access to data and people than ever before. This week’s roundup showcases some recent articles speaking to the future of recruiting. Fads? Or legitimate shifts in recruiting?
1) 3 Things That Should Define the Future of Recruiting from TLNT
“The future of recruiting depends on the future of technology. As we’ve seen, man hangs on for dear life as technology progresses. The person (or company) who understands the progress of tomorrow will have a leg up on the competition.”
2) The Future of Recruiting Automation from Inc.
“In recent years, the automation of recruiting and hiring has developed beyond the traditional job boards of yesterday (if we can consider the early Internet traditional) and into outreach and applicant tracking systems. These systems have helped companies keep their cool during the exponential increase in resumes and cover letters received since job listings left newspapers for the web. Still, in the eyes of some HR thought leaders, recruiting technology hasn't quite gotten where it needs to be."
3) The Future of Recruiting: Impact of the Social Web from Dice
“In this new era, recruiters and hiring managers will have to focus on building relationships with pools of talent, using both existing tools and the social Web to engage professionals, as well as changing the mix of the rewards they offer – both monetary and not – to attract the most highly skilled and experienced workers.”
4) Is Predictive Analysis the Future of Human Resources? from TriNet
“Could you imagine a crystal ball in HR’s office, where we can identify future stars and spot rotten managers before they inflict too much damage? Let’s supersize that thought and forecast significant fluctuations in performance across the entire workforce. This would definitely reinforce Human Resources as a strategic partner for your company’s success. Although there’s no crystal ball, something else comes pretty close. HR predictive analytics empowers a company to better anticipate and prepare for what’s to come the same way we can prepare for a rainy day or avoid rush hour traffic.”
5) Winning the Talent Game: How Gamification Is Impacting Business and HR from Wired
“Many companies have evolved from initially using these platforms as branding vehicles to leveraging them across the entire HR value chain — attracting, engaging, onboarding, training and retaining prospective candidates. Identifying and targeting talent pools differentiates the organizations that win from the ones that do not. Companies are starting to realize that HR practices based on the “one size fits all” principle prevent the business from improving quality of hire, institutionalize a culture, enhance employee productivity and eventually, grow customer satisfaction.”