We talk a lot about culture at exaqueo and the benefits to the bottom line of a business. It's so foundational to every aspect of a company. This week's Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup features the "Best of Culture" articles from throughout the past year. Enjoy!
1) sing Your Culture to Attract Top Talent from Forbes
"Drab offices, deafening silence, draconian rules — these are the trademarks of stifling workplaces. And if your aspirational employees are working in this kind of environment, believe me, they won’t stay long. We all know that finding valuable employees is a hefty time investment, but leaders should spend just as much time building the culture that keeps them. Unfortunately, that’s seldom the case, and the repercussions can be far-reaching. To get some additional insight on this critical topic, I reached out to Fred Virgin, former SVP of HR at GE, and Carolyn D’Anna, Co-Chief Human Resources Officer at CohnReznick, for their opinions on how company culture can be your greatest selling point or biggest hindrance."
2) Steer Your Company Culture Before It Ends Up Steering You from Inc.
"Building the right culture is of paramount importance if you are looking to grow a sustainable business. Like most things in business, achieving a specific cultural result requires a consistent and rigorous approach. Culture cannot be forced; it must be guided and shaped. The following measures when applied over time can help you achieve your cultural goals while your business is growing. Stay connected with all company employees: Senior leadership and especially founders/CEOs need to be in constant "connection" with all their employees, long after the business has grown past 100 employees. Sometimes, when you are in a CEO role it can be difficult after the company achieves "growth equity" status to find the time to spend inside the organization. So many outside forces, like investors, partnerships, business development, and PR are constantly monopolizing CEO time. However, nothing is more powerful to your employee base than hearing directly from the leaders that are shaping the company vision."
3) Company Culture, The Engine that Fuels the Company from Your Own Brand
"A culture can generally be described as the practices and values that are shared by people within a certain group. A company culture, then, is the shared practices and values of the employees within a certain company. The culture within a company is very important because it can really help a company thrive, or break it down. Companies that have good cultures that are lined up with their overall business goals will generally out perform competition. In order to make the most of your own company’s culture, you need to figure out what culture you currently have, what you would like to have, and how you can make changes to improve it."
4) 12 Ways to a Great Corporate Culture from Inc.com
"At a recent conference in Denver, Inc. and an organization called Winning Workplaces brought together leaders from a range of businesses to talk about building and maintaining great company cultures. What's the value if you have a great culture? “If your staff believes that they matter, that their opinions matter, the company soars,” says Tom Walter CEO of Tasty Catering in Chicago. “People are not just productivity units. I believe in democracy because the future is as secure as people are with working together."
5) Your Secret Weapon in Business: Culture from Forbes
"The notion of “innovation” has evolved. A couple decades ago, the world consideredtechnical innovation the big game in town. For example, think about innovations in computers, electronics, and software over the years. Better toys meant better profits. Then, about a decade ago, the game shifted to business model innovation. The “lean startup movement” is a manifestation of that philosophy. The proliferation of subscription services, loyalty programs, and online community platforms are good examples of innovative thinking around business models and customer engagement."
Lexi Gordon is a Lead Consultant for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about how we can help you build a workforce that’s aligned with your company culture and develop an employer brand that will allow your business to scale the right way.