Psychology can be applied to almost everything. Wonder why companies pick certain colors to be a part of their logo? They are trying to tap into something deep into your psyche to evoke an emotion they want associated with their brand. The same applies to the workplace and working together - there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. This week's Talent and HR News Weekly Update looks into the psychology of working together. Check out the latest thinking below:
1) Managing The “Talent” from The Work Psychology Company
"Managing talent in an organisation could be defined as being focussed upon particular people in the business, a set of characteristics or more toward a statement of identified needs for the future. Some organisations see talent as the ability to go on toward leadership & CEO status, or as McCartney & Garrow (2006) suggest as “employees that have a disproportionate impact upon the bottom line, or have the potential to do so” However the CIPD (2006) defines talent management as ‘the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement/retention and deployment of those individuals with high potential who are of particular value to an organisation’. So how do organisations identify a talent pool or groups of individuals that will have significant effect upon the business and most interesting what do they do with the group when they have been identified?"
2) Why Being A Workaholic Is Awful For You AND Everyone Around You from Huffington Post
"Today, there are more ways to overwork yourself than ever. And while refusing vacation time, eating lunch at your desk or never shutting off your work email might seem like good ways to impress the boss, they also could have dire consequences for your health down the road. Researchers and psychologists have been arguing for decades about what constitutes "workaholism," and whether it is a disorder at all. Regardless, since the term started being thrown around in the 1970s, a mountain of evidence has piled up showing that workaholics display many of the same characteristics as those addicted to drugs or alcohol, such as compulsively engaging in behavior that is ultimately destructive."
3) The Natural Selection of Business & Careers from The Work Psychology Company
"Coupled Darwin’s theory and the term “survival of the fittest” developed by Herbert Spencer to help explain his understanding of natural selection, we arrive at everyday terms to describe how life and for that matter business & careers can (in theory) develop. Needless to say these theories have been hijacked to fit may different ideologies and moral standpoints to sometimes disastrous effect. Such as Social Darwinism that is thought to be responsible for laissez-faire attitudes to war, economics & racism."
4) Psychology Of Colors In A Workplace from Office from Office Vibe
"Picture this: you go to work everyday and you have one cubicle, you have one kitchen area, and you have one bathroom area. All of them are grey. You stylize your cubicle with a pictures, maybe a couple of little decorations here and there, but you still can’t get out of the absolute blandness and “boringness” of your current office. Whether you want to believe it or not, there’s a reaction from your brain from the colors that you face within your workplace everyday. Hence, me writing about the effect, or, psychology of colors in a workplace."
5) Empathy: The Basic Quality Many Leaders Keep Getting Wrong from Inc.
"Ever wonder why some managers just can't get along with their teams? Or have you seen a boss who's lost touch with reality? Maybe you're the leader, and you've noticed a slow-but-sure disconnect from your team. What can you do about it? You've heard the advice time and again: Learn to show more empathy. Empathy is considered by many to be a basic human quality. So why is it often still missing in our day-to-day work? Many persons confuse empathy with its closely related cousin sympathy. The two qualities are definitely related, but the key to demonstrating empathy is knowing the difference."
6) How’s your personal presence? from Business Management Daily
"Some people just seem to have that “it factor”—the effortless charm and intelligence to seem at ease and intelligent in all situations. What is their secret? “It boils down to presence, a magical mix of confidence, charm and communication skills that exerts an outsize impact on one’s social stature and ability to climb the ranks,” reports The Wall Street Journal’s Elizabeth Holmes. Presence comes down to three things: “how you behave, how you speak and how you look,” says Sylvia Ann Hewlett, founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation, a New York City think tank. How you act is the most important part, Hewlett says. It’s often thought of as gravitas or intellect. It’s about remaining calm and confident in stressful situations and then acting decisively when faced with hard decisions. Emotional intelligence is also a big factor."
Lexi Gordon is a Lead Consultant for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about how we can help you build a workforce that’s aligned with your company culture and develop an employer brand that will allow your business to scale the right way.