Recruiting and retaining employees are topics we often talk about here on our exaqueo blog, rightfully so - these are fundamental to the talent and HR world! Since thinking in these areas are often evolving, we like to revisit them often. Here is some of the latest thinking around recruiting and retaining employees.
1) How Mining Data About Employees Could Give You A Competitive Edge from Forbes
"It’s no secret that the world’s most successful companies all have one thing in common: They’re able to recruit —and retain — the best and brightest minds. Indeed, a global battle for top talent is heating up, and companies in industries from high tech to retail are finding big advantages in big data. As younger-generation workers continue to job-hop their way up the corporate ladder—or even strike off as entrepreneurs—job loyalty is in decline. How can companies do a better job retaining employees? According to Leerom Segal, co-author of New York Times bestselling book “The Decoded Company,” the answer could lie in big data."
2) All Your Employee Needs Is Love from Huffington Post
"Employees, just like any other stakeholder group, have expectations for companies -- and particularly for those that employ them. By sincerely aligning itself with key employee interests and advocating on behalf of employees on these issues, companies can serve as champions, increase engagement and deepen the level of mutual commitment throughout their organization."
3) Recruiting and Retaining Young Talent from Governing
"The public sector is a great place to work even though it can’t always compete with the pay and benefits offered in the private sector. But how are state and local governments getting this message across to those who could be the next generation of great government employees? And once this talent is on board, how are they being kept motivated and interested in public service?"
4) Recruiting and Retaining High Potential Employees – A Panel Discussion from
"High-potential employees represent the future of any organization. These are the employees that will move into senior leadership roles. By many estimates, they are twice as valuable as any other employee in the company. But how do you find them, how do you keep them and how do you cultivate them? A successful high-potential program begins before a recruit ever comes in the door and continues long after the recruit becomes an employee. Putting the right pieces in the right place at the right time is essential to capturing the best talent on the market and ensuring that talent is developed properly."
5) 4 Ways To Retain Top Talent from Westchester Magazine
"As a search professional, I am never surprised by how much effort goes into the pursuit and discovery of talented professionals hired into the organizations I support. Recruiting is hard work, and being careful with talent acquisition is critical. You can’t spend too much effort and thought as you hire. That said, I am frequently surprised by how little care and feeding goes on after the hire. Big mistake! It makes sense that if you have made a good hire, you want to establish an environment that will keep that great employee in your organization."
Lexi Gordon is a Lead Consultant for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps startups and high-growth companies build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about how we can help you build a workforce that’s aligned with your company culture and develop an employer brand that will allow your business to scale the right way.