The majority of us have to work. Unfortunately no job or company is perfect. You have to take the good with the bad. And, there are always opportunities to improve. Even the slightest improvement can make a big impact on employees. Below are some ideas for making work better - whether it's through culture, work/life balance, or more transparency.
Have a great Friday!
1) Engagement and empowerment: 4 simple ways to make work better from Smartblog on Leadership
"Most of us actually enjoy working and doing a great job. We find fulfillment in adding value and contributing our time and energy to something meaningful. But too often, endless procedures, superfluous tasks, and office policies detract from that feeling of fulfillment, disengaging us from our work. Sixty percent of businesses have two to three approvals from managers for even the simplest human resources requests. Because of these redundancies, productivity suffers, communication breaks down, and many even have trouble remembering why they cared in the first place."
2) How to create a company culture where employees want to stay from from The Business Journals
"A positive company culture is critical in minimizing employee turnover because it defines the way you lead, interact with others, and make decisions. Create a strong culture with these strategies and tips, and you will be more likely to see workers say “no” to other job offers and choose to stay on your team. Recognize a one-size-fits-all strategy doesn’t work. “The first mistake that leaders make in working to retain employees is looking for just one silver bullet or golden egg that will work for everyone,” says Dana Manciagli, global career expert, author and columnist based in Bellevue, Washington."
3) The Zuckerberg Effect: Why Company Culture Matters for Dads from Huffington Post
"If Facebook had announced a generous new paternity leave policy this week, it would have gotten some publicity and helped expectant fathers who work for the social media giant. But it would not have mattered as much as CEO Mark Zuckerberg's announcement that he was taking two months off to be with his newborn daughter. That's because policies are just paperwork if they aren't backed up by company values. And nothing shows a company's values more than the actions of its leadership."
4) 3 Tips For Improving Workplace Transparency from Forbes
"Just like everyone in Silicon Valley, I’m a big believer in the Network Effect. The more people that use a product, the more valuable that product becomes. And the same is true with information. Our portfolio companies are always looking for advice and insight from someone who has experienced what they’re going through. Instead of just sharing my thoughts we often go to our Affiliates—the 90 people who make up the Webb Investment Network and who invest alongside me—for more specific advice and more comprehensive answers. I wanted to bring the same collective knowledge to Forbes."
5) 4 Tips for Achieving Work-Life Balance from Time
"Balancing work and life, outside of work, can be difficult, especially for parents. “Instead of trying for a work-life balance, everyone always discusses it like it should be compartmentalized,” saysCatherine Alford, financial blogger. Alford offers some tips on how you can effectively balance work and life."
Lexi Gordon is a Lead Consultant for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about our employer brand innovation, workforce research, and recruiting strategy offerings.