In this week's Talent and HR News Weekly Update, we're putting the spotlight on hiring. It's a critical point for any individual and company. There's always the question on both sides if this is the right decision. The timely articles below provide different perspectives when it comes to hiring. Enjoy!
1) The Simple Formula For Hiring And Retaining Top Performers from Inc
Want to attract the best talent and keep them? There’s a simple formula to follow, and it’s not about the money. Perfect Candidate = Ideal Cultural Fit + Proven Ability To Do The Job. There are only three reasons why any hiring manager will hire someone: 1. Best Cultural Fit, 2. Proven Ability, 3. Need For The Role. What Is Your Culture? When you hire for culture first, you’re ensuring that the person you choose will fit in with your existing team. Culture is your unwritten rules, your philosophies, your methods, your beliefs, your way of doing things, even down to your mannerisms and how you dress. When the rock band AC/DC needed a new singer, they didn’t choose a female ballad singer, they chose a hard-rocking, leather-wearing man who fit their style, image and energy. When you’re hiring, whether you are aware of it or not, you’re doing the same thing."
2) Nine Ways Employers Screw Up Hiring from Forbes
"A lot of the problems in corporate and institutional life drive me crazy. I hate to see organizations under-utilizing their talent. Into their doors every day walk incredibly smart and gifted people, but then those smart and talented employees’ energy and good ideas are squashed under the weight of mindless bureaucracy. That’s irritating to me not only as a workplace commentator but also as a citizen. Some of the employers who waste talent figure it out and work with our company or another consulting firm to fix their problems, but a lot of them don’t. They might not even see the damage they’re doing. As long as their people hit the marks they’re supposed to hit, they’re happy!"
3) The Tech Industry is Only Successful Because it Mastered Hiring from Huffington Post
"Referrals are changing the hiring landscape as much as tech is changing the way we think of work. Whilst compiling our free ebook, Breaking the Code we found out that the more traditional channels don't work for employers or candidates any more. Traditional hiring channels are becoming increasingly automated and less personal which is causing a massive disconnect between employers and candidates. There are far too many pre-packaged solutions offering the best candidates in the market with minimal input. Studies have shown that having less choice makes it's easier to make a decision, a lesson some employers could stand to learn. Tech has managed to make major strides in attracting and retaining some of the best talent. The industry offers autonomy and accountability which are powerful motivators for accepting a role. Why are larger and more established companies failing to replicate this and attract the best themselves?"
4) How one tech company fights hiring bias with anonymous recruitment from IT World
"In 2013, Bytemark Hosting was looking to hire new system administrators, but was getting little interest from women. Matthew Bloch, Bytemark’s Managing Director, told me via email that around then he “realised Bytemark's hiring was both inefficient and unfair.” In an effort to correct that, Bloch led the charge for a less biased, more inviting recruitment and hiring methodology. The result was a new four-step hiring process, the first three of which are meant to keep candidates totally anonymous."
5) Small Business Wins With Fair-Chance Hiring from Huffington Post
"When President Obama spoke about criminal justice reform last week at the NAACP, I learned that I had something in common with him. We both know that second chances are critical for anyone's success. When the president "slipped up," he was forgiven, he said. Like him, I've had people in my life who were willing to take a chance on me. I am one of the nearly one in three adults in the United States who have some type of arrest or conviction record. For too many of us, it's almost impossible to navigate all of the social and economic barriers resulting from a record. But I've been able to overcome that lifetime sentence to poor job prospects and little opportunity."
Lexi Gordon is a Lead Consultant for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about how we can help you build a workforce that’s aligned with your company culture and develop an employer brand that will allow your business to scale and grow the right way.