Employer branding is near and dear to the hearts and minds of #teamexaqueo. Collectively, we have more than 40 years of talent acquisition and employer brand experience. And, as a team, we have had many unique opportunities to build employer brands ... as both in-house practitioners and for our clients. In that spirit, here are five articles about one of our favorite topics. Enjoy! 

1) How These 5 Companies Built Brands People Want to Work For from Inc.

Employer brand has become one of the most pressing issues for recruitment teams around the world. Here are some inspiring examples to kick-start you into action. Recruitment marketing is quickly becoming one of the hottest topics in business. And for good reason, too.

Believe it or not, 94 percent of candidates are more likely to apply for a job if that company actively manages their employer brand.

2) Why Your Employer Brand Needs to Extend Beyond Recruitment (and How to Get There) from HR C-Suite

Every HR professional knows that a sound employer brand is critical to recruiting for hard-to-fill jobs in competitive sectors. In fact, 75% of job seekers consider employer brand even before applying for a role.

Now that applicants can scour Glassdoor reviews, trawl through company social media accounts and quickly find any negative press coverage attached to your company, you can’t afford not to pay attention to your employer brand.

3) Your Talent Brand Matters More Than You Think from TalentCulture

It’s not enough to think of your company brand. Or your product brand. Or, actually, your employer brand. Think about it: being an employer implies having employees. But much of what we really have these days — partially influenced by Millennial values — is talent, who act less like employees and more like consumers.

There’s a whole spectrum of talent out there, and many consider jobs as a pick and choose and change cycle — steps on a career ladder as opposed to the career in itself. That means your brand has to be seen from the outside, by the talent: it’s your talent brand that matters.

4) 4 Tools to Monitor & Measure Your Employment Branding Efforts from blogging4jobs

Employment branding is one of the most powerful tools recruiters have available to them today. It’s not only the newest and hottest thing in recruiting but is also one of the most worthwhile things you can do in the race to bring in the best and brightest.

Today, recruiting teams are building an overarching strategy for their recruiting and hiring efforts that combine marketing, branding and recruiting. However, there’s a common misconception that many are playing out through their strategy, and that it the belief that employment branding only exists in social networks.

5) Data Fatigue: A Reflection on Keeping Up With the HR Joneses from HR Examiner

Everywhere you look there are numbers. Percentages, graphs, charts, rankings, infographics—it’s enough to make your head spin. But as leaders will tell us, data drives decisions.

As a result, every presentation—from the conference ballroom to the executive boardroom—is full of data. … HR leaders, often not confident enough to speak up or push back, jump into action.

Do you have buzzworthy news in the world of employer brand, talent or culture? Want us to include it in our weekly update? Contact us below.  

Shannon Smedstad (@shannonsmedstad) is a Lead Consultant & Project Manager for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about our employer brand innovation, workforce research and recruiting strategy offerings.

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