Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup: Hiring

This week's Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup features the latest thinking on hiring. There are lots of different perspectives below - enjoy!

1) How to Streamline Your Hiring Process and Attract the best team from Betterteam

"Want to make sure your company grows and keeps growing? Hope to enjoy working with your colleagues instead of dreading it? Trying to save time sifting through applicants? Get the right hiring process in place, and all of this will come together. Get the wrong one in place, or march forward without one, and it’ll cost you. Literally, as in tens thousands of dollars or more. Rather than hoping that each hire will work out, or trying to turn bad hires into good ones, build a solid hiring process - a system that creates a continuous pipeline of great employees. An effective hiring process will help you hire at the right moment, get more qualified applicants and save time by screening out unqualified ones. It’ll help you get the best applicants hired and keep them longer."

2) If You Need Better Leaders, Who You Gonna Call? HR from Entrepreneur

"Good leaders are hard to come by. Almost half of the companies that participated in the Workplace Trends’ Global Workforce Leadership Survey in February and March 2015 chose leadership as the hardest skill to find in employees. What’s more, among the 1,000 employee participants, only 36 percent called leadership a strength in their organizations. One of the problems here is that when they analyze their leadership-development issues, most organizations put the responsibility onemployees to improve, or on current leaders to train their teams. Employers expect their employees to attend leadership training events, take a development course or find a mentor to advance their skills and careers."

3) This Legendary Rock Band Knows How to Hire Better Than You from Inc. 

"Hiring for skills and cultural fit is important, but there's another critical element to finding great people who function well in a corporate environment: bringing on team players. Innovation and collaboration require employees who can put their individual egos aside, and who understand the power of contributing to a stronger collective group. The toxic individualistic "solo artist" people not only get in the way of growth but can also run your company into the ground. Think of it this way - the Rolling Stones are widely regarded as the band with the most longevity. They've been making music together since '62 with relatively few changes to the lineup in their 50+ years. Why?"

4) Ideo: The 7 Most Important Hires For Creating A Culture Of Innovation from Fast Company Design

"Sure, founders set a tone. But they aren't the only ones who shape workplace culture, writes Ideo's Mollie West. We all fear the job that looks great on paper and is a nightmare in practice. What makes some companies great to work for and others a disaster? The answer: good workplace culture. It’s the difference between Google and Yahoo, Costco, and the Department of Corrections. Studies have shown that office culture is one of the most revealing indicators of workplace satisfaction. How can companies be intentional about building and nurturing a good workplace culture?"

Lexi Gordon is a Lead Consultant for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about our employer brand innovation, workforce research, and recruiting strategy offerings.

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