Employer branding is such an important focus area; it has the power to affect the overall market perception of your company. So what is it about your company that would attract talent? Why would people want to work for you? What makes your company stand out? At exaqueo, we understand that every company is unique, which is why we take a bespoke approach to building honest, authentic employer brands and powerful talent attraction programs for our clients. In this week's Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup, we're featuring recent insight into just that.
1) These Are Job Seekers' Top 3 Priorities Right Now, According To LinkedIn from Fast Company
"Last year, job openings in the U.S. hit a five-year high, clocking in at over 5 million, where they remain today. That's a lot of positions that need filling, but the good news for employers is that a staggering 90% of professionals, according to new research here at LinkedIn, are open to considering them.
One reason so many people say they'd like to hear more about job opportunities is because they simply don't know enough about them already. For all the job-search resources out there, it seems people still need more—or different—information about prospective employers than they're currently getting.
That points to a pretty big disconnect in the employer brand department, but to mend it, companies need to know what job seekers actually want to learn when they’re skimming job descriptions and career sites, and weighing whether or not to apply."
2) How to Attract Great Candidates to your Startup from Forbes
"Most companies–startups or not–understand the importance of a branding strategy to promote their products and services. Far fewer, however, understand the importance of their employer brand, which is exactly what it sounds like: the way the company brands itself as an employer. But as the U.S. economy picks up steam and the hiring market gets tighter, your employer brand is a crucial factor in your company’s ability to find and retain great talent. If your company’s reputation as a place to work isn’t particularly strong or well-publicized, it will be much harder to recruit the people you need so you can continue to grow and succeed. And much of employer branding today is done online."
3) Employer Brand: Address Skills Shortages by Looking Beyond Your Industry from The Staffing Stream
"The ongoing skills shortage has brought new challenges to employers, and companies that fail to acknowledge this reality and create a new plan to find the talent they need are already behind the curve. Adding to this complexity is the fact that the candidate journey is full of distractions, forks in the road and plenty of places where the candidate can run off, say no or simply disappear. As employers across all industries struggle to find and retain talent, the ability to keep them interested in working for your company is key to a successful strategy.
So, what can be done to protect your organization and ensure it gains access to qualified individuals who can drive continued success in the face of global talent shortages? The answer is to be more creative with your employer brand, looking beyond the traditional confines of your industry to find people of any background with the skills to be successful and ensure they are excited about what your company can offer them."
4) How shoddy employer branding costs recruiters dearly from Recruiting Times
"According to research carried out in the US, businesses with a negative reputation and poor brand perception are forced to advertise increased salaries to encourage prospective employees to apply for positions. A company’s reputation is not just important for winning new customers but is also vital for attracting the best candidates, and it is a well-known fact that staff members are one of the most valuable assets of a business."
5) Employer branding: Are you doing it right? from BizCommunity
"Employer branding is the way a company sets out to identify itself as an employer of choice. In competing for top talent, a company needs to not only prove itself notable in its field, but also as a place where talented employees will be valued, nurtured and rewarded. A good employer brand can significantly impact on respondents to recruitment advertising, notably improving your choice of talent. Niche skills are in high demand in competitive sectors and the ability to attract and retain the right talent to successfully drive your business is vital."
6) Employer Branding: How a Strong Employer Brand Helps Attract Top Talent from The Huffington Post
"Your company has two brands, not one: The brand you know is what your company as a manufacturer or service provider stands for, your corporate brand. The one you may not be aware of is what people think of you as an employer, your employer brand.
You communicate your corporate brand to potential customers with marketing. You should do the same with your employer brand. And just like corporate marketing, employer marketing or employer branding is all about reaching and convincing your target group - in this case potential employees instead of potential customers - and about beating the competition. Here are some steps will help you get there."
7) Lure the Right Job Candidates With Exceptional Content from Business 2 Community
"When brands start work on a content marketing strategy, they often forget that content is a multifaceted tool. In addition to sales, customer retention, and customer service, your online content serves as a beacon for talent. If you want your brand to attract the best and the brightest, your existing content should reflect that goal."
Kathleen O'Brien (@kathleen_eliz) is a Lead Consultant & Project Manager for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about our employer brand innovation, workforce research, and recruiting strategy offerings.