Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup: Culture + Hiring

Culture and hiring go hand-in-hand. How can you become a talent magnet but also hire the right people? What does it take to have a winning culture mindset while still remaining true to company values? This week’s curated news offers helpful insight. Enjoy!

1) Winning Companies Lead With A New Culture Mindset from Forbes

“With today’s interactive social media and the real-time Internet, both customers and employees see inside your company easily, so you can’t hide your real company culture. At the same time relationship perceptions have become the biggest drivers to customer loyalty and employee engagement. Thus in every business, big or small, culture can make or break your success...”

2) The Work History Review is the Best Predictor of On-the-Job Success from Inc

“Interviewers often make the yes/no hiring decision is less than one minute based on whether the person is articulate, attractive, assertive and affable. None of these predict job success. They just cause hiring mistakes.You can cut through this veneer of superficiality by understanding real job needs and finding people who have a track record of doing comparable work in comparable environments…”

3) What's in a Name? New HR Titles Reflect These Professionals' Strategic Importance. from Entrepreneur

“HR professionals are the glue that holds a company together, but the term “human resources” doesn’t necessarily scream excitement to the everyday person. In fact, to some it feels outdated. A lot of times, employees aren’t even exactly sure what the "HR department" even does, outside of basic paperwork or answers to questions about benefits. But, the thing is, HR has never been more strategic, and that’s why more and more employers lately have been shifting away from the traditional "HR" label and to the more exciting ones. What other new HR titles are out there, and what do they mean? Here’s a look…”

4) Hiring the Right People: Interviewing for Interpersonal Competence from HigherEdJobs

“Assessing for interpersonal competence doesn't end with the interview process. Among other steps, reference checks should also assess such matters. But interviews focused on candidates' handling of concrete interpersonal situations will go a long way in separating candidates who will serve your institution well in their daily interactions with others from those you will be thankful you didn't hire…”

5) How Company Culture Strengthens Your Marketing from Forbes

“Long gone are the days when companies could have autonomy over their brand image. It no longer matters what a company reports or intends; now they are quickly judged on their actions and results. With 60% of consumers wanting to know what a company stands for before supporting it, company culture and the way employees are treated are paramount to your business success. A strong company culture centered on employees and innovation will be supported by consumers far more than a self-centered, corporate-focused competitor.

While we are having a blast each day, we also want our customers to be blown away by our work and the results we generate for their business — and show other companies they can create similar environments. Here are four important steps we took that can help your company transform its culture too...”

6) How to Attract Millennial Workers in 2 Simple Steps from Inc

“Follow these two simple steps to scale your recruiting efforts and turn your company into a Millennial magnet. A recent LinkedIn survey of over 13,000 Millennials explored how they approach job seeking and how companies must adapt to attract Millennial talent…”

Kathleen O'Brien (@kathleen_eliz) is a Lead Consultant & Project Manager for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about our employer brand innovation, workforce research, and recruiting strategy offerings.

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