In 2011, Game of Thrones first premiered, Toy Story 3 won Best Animated Feature, Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” was a number one hit, Prince William and Kate Middleton married, Oprah hosted her final episode, and exaqueo was founded. For the past decade, it’s been our mission to help clients tell the true story of their organizations’ employment experience. And we know, without our clients, there’d be no exaqueo. They are part of our story.
You’re part of our story and we’re ever thankful.
In 2021, exaqueo celebrates our 10-year anniversary of advocating for workforce research, giving a voice to employees, and building authentic employer brands. We kick off this milestone anniversary celebrating you as part of our annual Client Appreciation Week. Here’s what our team says about favorite moments, lessons learned, and what we enjoy most about client service.
TOM WHITTAM - Associate Employer Brand Strategist
I love client work because it presents fascinating new challenges each day. When we uncover the gaps or areas for improvement and create solutions that really address our clients’ employer branding needs—nothing fires me up more! One of my favorite moments occurred when we presented a recruitment marketing content calendar to one of our Fortune 5 clients, and they called our work “life-changing.” Knowing I can make that much of an impact is an amazing feeling.
JENNIFER WIENKE - Director, Business Operations
I have the pleasure of getting to know many of our clients through the operations side of the business. We truly have some of the best clients there are. The partnership I see between our team and client teams is remarkable and I’m so proud to work alongside the best in the business!
SHANNON SMEDSTAD - Senior Employer Brand Strategist
Every one of my clients has taught me something about myself, about their industries (cruise ships to manufacturing plants), and—most importantly—about people. The humanity of what we do in employer branding and the impact we have on people’s lives is not lost on me for a moment. I’m so thankful to our clients for trusting us to listen to their employees, learn the realities of their workplaces, and give a voice to their employment experience so they can attract, hire, and retain talent.
JACLYN WOLLETT - Employer Brand Strategist
I enjoy working with our clients and developing partnerships that transcend one project or deliverable. Being able to connect and continuously learn from each other is so important—whether that’s a friendly happy hour to celebrate the launch of a new employer brand or a workshop with employees to uncover those ah-ha moments. Our clients reach out and challenge us in new ways all the time and that makes what we do exciting and meaningful.
ALYSSA BANI - Employer Brand Strategist
One of the aspects I enjoy most is getting to work with clients from so many different industries. During my time with exaqueo, I’ve worked with manufacturing, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, telecommunications, entertainment, hospitality, brand new startups, and companies that have been around for centuries. Not many people have the opportunity to gain such a wide range of experiences each day! I love learning from my clients and providing them customized solutions to the unique challenges they face. I’m inspired by the opportunity to be a part of bringing the experience of what it’s like to work at their organizations to life.
EMILY FRITZ - Senior Employer Brand Strategist
Being in a client-facing role is so rewarding because of the opportunity to work with so many different types of personalities and work cultures. Each client has their own unique way of doing things and faces different problems. I am so grateful to our clients for the opportunity to work with them and to learn about so many different industries, roles, and work environments.
LEXI GORDON - Chief Client Officer
Having the opportunity to be a fly on the wall at our clients’ companies has been like being in a real life version of a reality show (ha!). We get to be observers of people’s livelihoods. We hear the stories, the emotion, the loyalty … the frustration. What’s more is we get to capture these experiences and wrap them up in a bow so others can understand the essence of working at a particular organization. It’s such fascinating work for the curious and the creative.
JAZMYN MIJUSKOVIC - Associate Employer Brand Strategist
What I love about working with such a variety of clients is that no two projects are the same. Our clients all have different needs and ways of doing business that present us with opportunities to think outside the box. I think after a while, it’s possible to master your responsibilities in most jobs…but working with clients makes the learning constant and ultimately expands your potential.
Serving clients has been the true joy of my career. The idea of being ‘back of the house’ as we used to say in hospitality means you are the architect, the technicians, and the soul behind the work. I love empowering employer brand leaders to make a difference, talent acquisition executives to see the business impact of employer brand, and CEOs to really hear and understand how their employees feel and what that means to their organizations. Being able to connect the employer more closely with the candidate and with the employees is like bringing the relationship closer together. And that kind of impact is really hard to beat.
How You Can Get Involved
Join us April 12 - 16, 2021 for Client Appreciation Week! To start, visit our 10-year Commitment timeline and explore historic employer brand milestones. Next, follow us on Instagram all week long for stories and photos, and share your client story with us on social media using #exaqueo10.
For any client or friend of exaqueo who received our limited edition tee, please share a social update, a tweet, a photo (in your exaqueo wear) using #exaqueo10 and tag us @exaqueo. For each person who posts and tags by April 30, 2021, we’ll make a donation to the Student Leadership Network, an organization that supports young people growing up in diverse communities to gain access to educational opportunities that help prepare them to lead successful lives.