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In honor of our most recent announcement launching The Workforce Lab (did you see it? Here it is in case you missed it), this week's Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup focuses on big data in HR. Big data is making a splash outside of HR, so here are ways the HR world can leverage the latest trend.1)
When thinking about "business," what comes to mind first is finance, selling goods and services, advertising...Human Resources is not necessarily at the top of the list. Yet it's a necessary function to keep a business running because no matter what, there are people involved in a business. And not
Lately, we've all been obsessed with big data. We love the idea of being able to analyze data patterns and better predict who to hire and how to better manage and develop the talent we already have. For organizations trying to scale, it may mean developing dashboards or analyzing existing processes
LinkedIn has transformed the recruiting community for the better. It's a tool that changed recruiting and gave recruiters access to millions of candidates and networks. Smaller or growing companies may not have access to the same information as larger firms though, so her are some tips for using Lin
Quick quiz--how many presentations have you given with percentages or pie charts? Business has always been a numbers game. Every proposal, every case, every request for funding--data drives decisions and we know it. And now we gone big. Big data.Sure, big data is all the rage, but employing advanc
Company culture is the foundation of a company. Every company has a culture even without trying. At its core, it's acceptable behavior in a given environment. What about being intentional about your culture though? Since it is so foundational, thinking about the type of culture you want to create is
It's easy to get into a rut and continue doing things the way they always have been done. Every once in a while, it's helpful to take a step back and ask, "is this there a better way to do this?" Here's your opportunity to ask that question for Human Resources with some great articles around rethink
There are new technologies popping up every day in the HR space, it's hard to keep track of what's actually worthwhile. This week's talent and HR news weekly roundup features technology trends in HR from a variety of sources. Check them out and let us know what you're seeing out there too. 1) The Ho
It's not a new initiative, but the "ban the box" campaign is picking up steam again, as additional jurisdictions around the country consider taking action. If you're not aware, "ban the box" refers to the box job applicants often have to check admitting if they have past convictions or criminal offe
Human Resources is all around us. It's more than just benefits and personnel issues too, and the field has earned a seat at the table in recent years. After all, once the recession hit, the world realized how important jobs really are to a functioning and thriving economy. As the HR function has gro
They are ubiquitous. Cell phones. 61% of the global population uses mobile phones, and 25% of the population uses smartphones. Providing many different convenient ways of easy communication - through calls, text messages, emails, social media - Adults spend an average of 58 minutes on their mobile p
Recruiting and retaining employees are topics we often talk about here on our exaqueo blog, rightfully so - these are fundamental to the talent and HR world! Since thinking in these areas are often evolving, we like to revisit them often. Here is some of the latest thinking around recruiting and ret
In March, I wrote about Gap’s efforts to raise the minimum wage for its employees. As a former employee of Gap, I thought this was a bold move that showed how the company values its employees, especially those on the front lines. When I worked there, minimum wage was $5.25. I remember getting my pay
Summer is usually a time when people are generally happy. The weather is warm, the sun is out longer, and vacations are plentiful. These are all things that boost a person's mood. What if your employer could contribute to a person's happiness too? Here are some excellent articles focusing on employe
One of the benefits of working with exaqueo is access to expert consultants who didn't start out that way. Everyone on our team built their experience working in-house first. So we understand what it's like to have to answer to internal stakeholders and balance competing interests, resources, and g
This week we are sharing the latest thinking on "Recruitment Done Right." From long-lasting trends to recruiting leaders, here are some insightful articles on the latest best practices in recruiting. 1) 5 Trends And Buzzwords That Continue To Shape HR from Forbes"The SHRM annual conference is a fave
We always talk about engagement here at exaqueo. Studies show a correlation between an engaged employee and service, sales, quality, safety, retention, profit and total shareholder returns. So it's not something to be ignored. Yet many companies do. Here is some of the latest thinking on how to enga
Data. Analytics. Statistics. Not the topics you’d expect to dominate human resources. But the big data conversation is not only getting louder, HR’s role is the center of the discussion.After all, if big data is really about looking for relationships in data sets, who better to play a role?Cutting e
We often work with companies who are going through a state of change, and I’ve experienced many of these projects during my management consulting days. Organizational change is tricky, and very few companies are successful at it. In fact, a study done by Towers Watson found that only 25% of companie
We talk a lot about company culture at exaqueo, and advise clients on how to pull out the aspects of their culture that make them unique. This week we're sharing some examples of companies who have discovered their unique qualities and promoted them as part of their culture. Remember, when it comes
Employee engagement is enough to make any leader roll his eyes. We all know the data--and it isn't good. Employees aren't engaged. They hate their work. And with the recession showing signs of ending, the talent war will pick back up again. If you're an HR leader, you're questioning the solution. B
In honor of launching our new website this week (if you haven't already, poke around and tell us what you think!), we thought it would be appropriate to focus this roundup on the part of the web most relevant to talent and HR: careers sites. This week the roundup features the latest in career site
I was listening to a radio show on NPR the other morning, and the debate was around the “Sharing Economy,” which is disrupting the way consumers purchase certain services. Uber and Airbnb are two major players in this new way of selling to consumers. In case you’re not familiar, Uber is a car service