Don't miss the latest from exaqueo's experts including industry news and trends, insights from our research, client work, and lessons learned.
Here at exaqueo, we have been a fully-remote team since 2011 and some of our team members have been remote for decades. Getting comfortable with working from home and shifting to this kind-of-policy isn’t a quick change. It requires thought and purpose, even if the decision has to be made quickly.
We’re failing at hiring because we’re catering to the masses.
Every organization should have a true understanding of the candidate experience journey from the candidate's perspective, and a strategic plan to bring the best experience to life.
Working in the employer brand industry has come a long way since Simon Barrow first coined the term “employer brand” in 1996. Today’s employer brand professionals are adept strategists and communicators dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of work.
Time for another LIST! Here at exaqueo, we are always looking for ways to be inspired. We’ve pulled together a list of what we’re reading (or listening to) now and hope you’ll find inspiration as well.
Buns and bees aside, when I started working at exaqueo, I knew it was something special. Three years later and I want the world to know just how amazing this team is. A former colleague once called #teamexaqueo the “hardest working team in HR.”
We had so much fun partnering with the Talent Board and talking all things #candidateexperience during the first-ever #CandExperienceDay2020 Twitter chat. In case you missed it, here are the top themes discussed during the chat.
In partnership with industry leaders at the Talent Board, CareerXRoads, and others, exaqueo has stewarded the development of a candidate experience model for the future. It includes a full employment lifecycle and strategy map for candidate experience with a measurement methodology anyone can use.
Essentially, alignment is our “inner applause.” It’s the moment we know that the work we do is pointed to something bigger and greater than ourselves. We achieve alignment when our work fits within our core personal values
Today’s candidates evaluate organizations as employers by what they hear, read, see, and experience. And they want the candidate experience to feel a lot more like the consumer experiences they are now accustomed to.
From purchasing a home to renovating it, this past year has been full of lessons learned. Looking back, I've realized there are many parallels between renovating a house and building an employer brand.
I share my story because our exodus from the big city is not unique. Millennials are moving out of metropolises and heading to the suburbs and smaller cities at increasing rates.
“When we think about what lies ahead for our industry, we’re not focused on tactics and technologies. The real value in the future of employer brand is strategic and holistic—branding and marketing the entirety of the employment experience.”
It’s that time of year — a time to reflect on the ups, downs, successes, and lessons of another year gone by.
As we enter the season of giving, our team thought it would be nice and a little punny to gather our best employer brand tips for you to gobble up!
“I sent out application after application, but nobody hired me.”
Whether it’s goodwill, business news, or a damaging incident, every story has an affect on your brand. In the past, HR has relied on our colleagues in PR to promote the company’s good news and leverage damage control for any of the bad news.
Have you ever thought about testing your employer brand? Validating it?
You want to optimize your recruitment marketing approach but aren’t sure where to invest your team’s time or budget. Sound familiar? Here is an easy five-step approach to “right-size” your recruitment marketing efforts.
It's a new day at exaqueo. We're proud to share the evolution of our brand and clearly express why we do what we do.
We're excited to give you an unfiltered look into our inner-office emails, we’ve compiled the most recent articles and images we send within #teamexaqueo AND some of our candid responses.
Fall is a time of change and transition. The weather gets a little crisper, and leaves begin to change. Kids head back to school, and we return to routines that we may have let go of during the summer. In my house, the change of seasons was also a mark of new beginnings.
When you think of recruiting, do you think of sales or marketing? In my career, I’ve worked in and with marketing, sales, recruiting, and communications. As an employer brand consultant, I’ve spoken with even more departments, across industries. And what I know is that most people don’t think about
Inspiration comes from the most curious of places. The other night, as I sat through Middle School Orientation, one teacher shared she encourages students to “choose their words wisely.” Such sage advice for this crop of new sixth graders. And for organizations.