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We know 2018 isn’t over yet, but it’s never too early to start thinking about your employer brand strategy for the New Year. What employer brand resolutions will you set to help your organization find success in the year ahead? In this month’s roundup, we’ve curated five articles to give you a head
It’s hard to believe 2018 is almost over! As the year winds down, we want to reflect on the content we’ve shared this year to help you achieve your employer brand goals. From the candidate experience to shifting perceptions in employer brand, here are the top 10 insights from #teamexaqueo to bring w
Team exaqueo is excited to introduce exaqueowear, a line of fun and cheeky shirts and products that we’ve launched in collaboration with our creative team, Leap. These products are perfect for gifting this holiday season. Not only is it a fun holiday shopping experience, but shopping exaqueowear als
So, there’s word of a new kid on the block. Someone else moving in on your organization’s talent turf. It’s big news. It’s a very well-known company. And, they bring the promise of hundreds—perhaps thousands—of competitively paying jobs and a shiny new employment experience. Your executives are frea
Delta Air Lines was the third largest airline in the U.S. when they filed bankruptcy in 2005, citing rising fuel costs and tough competition from lower-cost carriers as the catalysts. Over the past 13 years, Delta has put countless strategies into place to help steer the company back on course. From
From employee retention to fostering community to adding to brand image, there are clear benefits to establishing a strong, unified company culture. Showing gratitude in the office is one of the simplest yet most effective way to establish a positive culture. A simple expression of "thank you" helps
The world would be a bleak place without entrepreneurs. Everything we take for granted—from cellphones to paper to sliced bread—was invented by innovative men and women who dared to change the world. In honor of today, National Entrepreneurs’ Day, we sat down with our CEO and founder, Susan LaMotte,
Imagine if all certifications in talent acquisition were in one place. No Googling, no asking around, no scouring the depths of the Internet. The Association of Talent Acquisition and Professionals (ATAP) made that vision a reality. On November 7, the association officially launched its Talent Acqui
A generic “Now Hiring” message won’t solve your hiring challenges. And it certainly isn’t captivating to passive candidates. So, how do you stand out when everyone sounds the same and is hiring for the same talent you need? Click here to read the full blog post.
Halloween functions can be a fun way to highlight your culture and personalities of your people. So, get in the spirit of this fall holiday (and invite your employees to participate). But beware, before you go full haunted office, take a look at how these five companies appropriately incorporate Hal
Developing an employer brand is so much more than popping up a Facebook careers page or writing an employee value proposition (EVP). When done right, it’s a strategy, not a project. A way of life, not a one and done deal. And that’s what can make it so daunting. I know, I’ve been in your shoes!Ther
A culture of continuous learning adds value to your company as a whole, as well as to the individual employees. In addition to accelerating skills development, employee learning and development programs can help organizations attract and retain a skilled workforce. With the introduction of new techn
With any business strategy there inherently lies the potential for failure or, at minimum, that things won’t go exactly to plan. This can lead to frustration, nonperformance, and the downfall of even the best intentions. Unfortunately, activating a new employer brand strategy is not immune to these
In the next installment in our Shift series, we will take a look at lessons we can learn from two well-known consumer brands. These brands have vastly different products, demographics, price points, and distribution channels, but they do share a few key branding elements. Both of the brands we will
No longer the new fad or trend, employer brand is quickly becoming a strategic staple for organizations hungry to solve talent challenges. As with most things that shift from trend to a core part of your strategy, there is still confusion in the market. Debunking the most common employer brand myths
In today’s digital age, more and more organizations are turning to social media to find, recruit, and evaluate top talent. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer recruiters the chance to connect with job seekers who they may not have found through conventional methods. The content you deci
Politics aside. Retail shopping preferences aside. This Walmart video gets everything right when it comes to employer branding.Click here to read the full blog post.
Recruiting can sometimes feel like a thankless job—and we know all about the time, effort, and heart that goes on behind the scenes into finding and keeping talent. Now, for the first time ever, there is a day set aside to celebrate recruiters, hiring managers, sourcers, and everyone who makes an im
As someone on a virtual team, I enjoy the opportunity to venture out from my home office, spend face-to-face time with my team, interact with our clients, and experience the cities where they live and work. But travel can be stressful too. Given the significant role business travel plays in employee
A diverse workforce is essential for bringing innovative ideas and new ways of thinking to the table. In employer brand, embracing diversity in your organization can help with attracting, recruiting, and retaining a creative and diverse team of employees. In this month’s round-up, we’ve curated five
Ahhhhh, summertime. Summer means different things to different people. Vacation, pools, sun, boats, short-sleeves, a nice glass of rosé on the porch...On that last one, I never thought I’d say this, but rosé has recently come to be a staple in my summer repertoire. I know summer has arrived when I p
At exaqueo, PTO is something we take pride in - and prioritize - because flexibility and balance are an important part of our company culture. For those of you wondering how vacation time can set the foundation for an enhanced employee experience, let me share a few things I’ve learned through our
Incorporating employee wellness activities into your organization doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or even time-consuming. Often the most effective initiatives are the simplest ones and employees are more likely to participate if it’s easy to follow along. So, whether you’re in human resou
Embarking on your journey to begin developing an employer brand isn't easy. There are stakeholders to please, executives to wow, and candidates to attract. Even if you've done it before, starting from scratch can be daunting. I know! I've been in your shoes. And years (and dozens and dozens of brand