Don't miss the latest from exaqueo's experts including industry news and trends, insights from our research, client work, and lessons learned.
As you further develop your 2021 people strategy, here are five ways employers can prioritize people and ensure they are set-up for success.
COVID-19’s impact on the world of work is without question. The big question employer brand leaders need to ask themselves is: How will our organization show up in the labor market?
It’s safe to say that this year did not go as planned. So what will 2021 bring? I’ve tapped into team exaqueo’s more than 150 years of combined HR, marketing, and employer brand experience to compile our best employer brand predictions for the New Year.
In the second post of our blog series called Lessons from 2020, hear from Anthony Chidoro is the Communications, Branding, and Development Lead at Lyft.
We are all counting down to the end of 2020. In our first post in our blog series called Lessons from 2020, hear from Kerry Noone, Director of Recruitment Marketing & Advertising at CVS Health, as she reflects on the year, how she navigated change, and her aspirations for the New Year.
Have you started your holiday shopping? If you have friends or family members who are now working from home, check out our list of must-have #WFH essentials for those working at home.
My son came bursting into my room: "Mom! One of my puzzle pieces doesn't fit!" Puzzles tell a story--from the first to the last, each piece matters, a journey of complexity that leads to the bigger picture. A journey every content marketer is on every day.
Tom joins us as an Associate Employer Brand Strategist, responsible for telling the authentic, real, and diverse stories of our clients
Jazmyn joins us as an associate employer brand strategist, responsible for providing valuable support to projects, both strategically and tactically, including engagement with clients as well as employer brand consulting and content development.
If you missed this informative three-day virtual event, we pulled together some of the tweets from the conference to give you insight into what was shared.
EBrandCon holds a special place in the hearts and minds of #teamexaqueo. We’ve been attending this conference for nearly five years. Last year, we had fun exploring San Diego and learning from fellow employer brand professionals.
DEI shouldn’t sit in a silo. As we are seeing now more than ever, organizations are being held accountable, and consumers and employees are looking for action.
Who you are as a company during times like this really starts with who you are as an employer. And no better person that Tisha Leslie to reflect on what brands should--and shouldn't--be doing right now.
After the reality of COVID-19 set in, many employers accelerated virtual work capabilities enabling teams to work from anywhere.
This feature on Espire demonstrates that during these uncertain times, our connections have become our most important asset.
We were thrilled to interview Brandon about his journey and hear his thoughts on the intersection of employer brand and marketing.
Like many in the industry, our client Montage International, a luxury hotel management company, has been severely impacted during these times.This environment for hospitality is challenging to say the least.
After a month of rising unemployment numbers and dealing with business that is far from usual, we revisited the careers websites from our original list of 50 U.S. employers.
Whether you’re new to overseeing virtual teams or you find yourself working from home for the first time, it’s important to understand how to manage time, communicate effectively, and feel connected to others.
In the coming weeks, we’ll be putting organizations and leaders in the spotlight who are going above and beyond with their candidates and employees during these challenging times. First up is Lacey Stenson, Partner and Chief People Officer, at NorthRock Partners.
COVID-19 took us by surprise, leaving millions and millions of people unemployed – including several of my own family members.
Communicating during a crisis is hard. While none of us have experienced COVID-19 before, many of us in HR and employer branding have gone through other crises and we know one thing is for sure—what you do now and how you communicate it, will have a lasting impact on your brand.
The CEO of FORNASH, a fashion accessory company, Stephanie Fornash's business has all but dried up right now. When I checked in to see how she was faring, turns out she's helping with the crisis. When you've already had your career obliterated by the economy before, you have some great advice.
A crisis is a true test of loyalty, confidence, and the human spirit. Will your brand be positively or negatively remembered for how you treated employees during COVID-19?