Don't miss the latest from exaqueo's experts including industry news and trends, insights from our research, client work, and lessons learned.
In part one of our second interview series, Susan LaMotte and Christina Lock sit down to discuss why hiring has changed forever and what businesses can do to meet hiring needs.
Two women founders and CEOs of two of the fastest-growing companies in South Carolina sit down to discuss why Charleston, South Carolina was the chosen location to start and grow both companies.
Our employer brand experts answer the five most frequently asked questions about employer brand.
If you are currently working hybrid or fully virtual/remote, what would an employer need to do/offer you to entice you to work in the office 5 days a week?
If you sift through all the noise about “quiet quitting,” you’ll learn that it’s not actually about people quitting their jobs at all. Rather, it’s about people not taking their jobs too seriously, and no longer going above and beyond the call of duty.
To upskill the students, exaqueo developed a Train the Trainer workshop and comprehensive playbook. The guidebook covered job postings basics and elevated techniques, tools at the students’ disposal, and lessons centered around SEO, readability, gender bias, and job titles
We are thrilled to announce that exaqueo has earned a coveted spot on the annual Inc. 5000, an exclusive list of America’s fastest-growing and most successful private companies.
Things employers should keep in mind, how to best approach this month as an employer, and how employers can show support to people that identify as LGBTQ+.
Everything is about hiring, almost nothing about keeping talent.
What should you do in your first 100 days on the job as a new employer brand professional? We've got 10 tips to help you hit the ground running.
There are many ways to #breakthebias in your workplace, but we’ve got three key ways to get you started in order to make a real impact on the workplace landscape.
We revisit Mark's blog post from last week and review the results from the poll: Does Employer Brand Have a Seat at the Table?
Do you know what makes your organization different? If not, it’s time to find out. Employer brand professionals need to know what makes your organization different in order to market and stand out to attract candidates.
We are asking our readers: does Employer Brand finally have its seat at the table? Are we on the waiting list? Or are we being asked if we’d rather eat at the bar?
Conversations, produce rich qualitative insights that get closer to the "why" behind engagement survey data. And closer to understanding employees on a deeper level as people, as individuals.
A job posting should paint a realistic picture of what it would be like to work in the role and be clear about the skills/experience required. It shouldn’t read like a legally-binding contractual agreement, nor should it serve as clickbait.
We asked our team members, “What do you love about working at exaqueo?"
Equitable pay: smart. Thinking pay will solve your talent problems right now? Not so much. Here's why pay raises alone won't solve your hiring problems.
Managing your employer brand through chaotic times, such as these, does not have to be hopeless. We're here to remind you that "You got this."
This year, our employees made Monday a day “ON” instead of a day off, by reminding ourselves of the responsibility to take action toward doing better. Here is how some of our team members did just that.
Our team wrote many educational, industry-leading blog posts this year so we’ve featured our top three most read blog posts of 2021 here.
Here at exaqueo, we understand the importance of personal development and are thankful for the opportunity to continue our education in a variety of ways.
Recently, General Electric, Toshiba, and Johnson & Johnson each announced that they will be breaking up into smaller companies. We address the question at hand, "What will happen to their respective employer brands?"
Here at exaqueo, we understand that every employee is unique, and we celebrate those differences. We asked each exaqueo team member to share a bit about why they love Thanksgiving and how they celebrate it.