Don't miss the latest from exaqueo's experts including industry news and trends, insights from our research, client work, and lessons learned.
Talent acquisition and recruiting is seeing a struggle unlike any other. It's not a war for talent, it's a war for jobs. We've gotten desperate and there's no surprise as to why. It's time to go beyond EVP--stop selling employment as a product and start creating real employment relationships.
Red Wing Shoe Company is forging a new path, offering a highly flexible work relationship, in order to respond to what people are wanting from work and life.
Before you start lining highways across the country, here are four tips to take into consideration when you want to put up your next billboard.
The past 18 months have only accelerated the fact that employment is no longer a simple exchange of pay and benefits for work. When we brand and market employment as a contract, we ignore the importance of the complex relationship employees have with work. It's time to evolve beyond EVP.
Interested in learning more about this session? We've got all the details right here!
We're never going back to "normal." And what is "normal" anyway? The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed the workplace, leaving organizations to rethink how they do work. Here are three things employers should commit to as they adjust and try to navigate this post-pandemic era.
NEW! exaqueo releases data & insights from latest study on Gen Z Early Career Recruitment, uncovering what is most important to these early careerists; how today’s world is influencing them, where they spend their time, who & what are driving their behaviors & attitudes toward work, & more!
“This is where...” gives us a platform to tell our story. I’m floored by how many people are openly sharing their perspectives, using “This is where...” as a springboard.
Now, as I look at this list, I can’t help but wonder if the most important partner is not represented.
Here are eight ways companies can help support mothers returning to work from maternity leave.
There are so many teams and partners in an organization that can help amplify the employer brand message. They can be your champions, influencers, advocates. It’s up to you to create those connections.
Recently, we asked employer brand professionals what they once dreamed of becoming and how it relates to their job today. From hockey player to librarian, here’s what they shared.
In honor of the bookworms on our team, the new employer brand pros, and the World Book Day holiday, here is our 2021 list of book recommendations.
For the past decade, it’s been our mission to help clients tell the true story of their organizations’ employment experience. And we know, without our clients, there’d be no exaqueo. They are part of our story.
Shining a spotlight on a diverse group of organizations that collectively have more than 1,200 jobs open in the United States right now.
Jennifer Beyer is no stranger to the world of employer brand and recruitment marketing. Currently, she is in the midst of launching Fannie Mae’s new employer brand, “Future Makers,” which is strategically aligned to data-backed employer brand pillars.
The global pandemic hasn’t eliminated the need for employee stories and images. In fact, it’s accelerated their importance. Showing the human side of your organization has never been more critical as candidates look to find a place where they’ll feel welcomed, supported. and safe.
Employer brand and DEI should co-exist at every turn, not exist in separate silos. Now, more than ever, employer brand professionals need to see these functions as two threads in the same fabric.
Knowing how to redefine your organization’s employee experience means going straight to the source: your employees.
If there were ever a time for looking for the silver lining, it's now. This is especially true at next week's Global Talent Acquisition Week where lessons learned and looks ahead will be on full display.
Dear Clients: before we get too far into 2021, let me be clear about what we do, why we serve you, and what you mean to us: everything.
As you further develop your 2021 people strategy, here are five ways employers can prioritize people and ensure they are set-up for success.
COVID-19’s impact on the world of work is without question. The big question employer brand leaders need to ask themselves is: How will our organization show up in the labor market?
It’s safe to say that this year did not go as planned. So what will 2021 bring? I’ve tapped into team exaqueo’s more than 150 years of combined HR, marketing, and employer brand experience to compile our best employer brand predictions for the New Year.