
Employer Brand Insights

Don't miss the latest from exaqueo's experts including industry news and trends, insights from our research, client work, and lessons learned.

You're Not As Good of A Manager As You Think
Oct 3, 2019
Sep 6, 2013

You're Not As Good of A Manager As You Think

Ask any leader if they think they’re good at managing people. Most will respond “yes” or “I try to be” or “I think so.” No one ever flat-out says no. It could be we’re too afraid to admit what we don’t know. More likely it’s that we really never learned. Unlike the skills it takes to ship code, crea

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Hiring Strategy Now
Oct 3, 2019
Sep 5, 2013

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Hiring Strategy Now

Ask your average corporate recruiter, and they’ll scoff at startups having trouble hiring great talent. But what they don’t realize is the numerous obstacles that face growing companies when it comes to hiring the best people. Startups are burdened by a lack of time to devote to the hiring process.

Stop Working, Take Vacation and Set an Example
Oct 3, 2019
Sep 3, 2013

Stop Working, Take Vacation and Set an Example

When I read this piece on busyness from Meredith Fineman in Harvard Business Review my immediate reaction was guilty as charged.  She's describing me and one of my worst faults. I'm always busy, always working, and always telling people about it. While I like to think of myself as self-aware (I know

Talent and HR News Roundup: Supporting Your Employees Edition
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 23, 2013

Talent and HR News Roundup: Supporting Your Employees Edition

Last week we talked about the oft-overlooked yet major necessity in startup and high-growth companies: employee feedback. This week, we're taking that a step further. Feedback is just the baseline requirement with your employees. You also owe them some support, coaching and development along the way

Employer Brand Measurement: Introducing Source of Brand
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 20, 2013

Employer Brand Measurement: Introducing Source of Brand

If there's one thing that corporate America drills into your head again and again, it's ROI. Especially during budget season. And while I don't miss those complicated Excel models, I'm constantly reminded of the importance of measures. You need an argument for making one investment choice over anoth

Talent and HR News Roundup: Talent Trends of the Future
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 16, 2013

Talent and HR News Roundup: Talent Trends of the Future

This week's Talent and HR News Roundup: This week we've done some trendspotting. What are HR leaders citing as talent trends for 2014 and beyond?

Employee Recognition: Required for Company Growth
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 14, 2013

Employee Recognition: Required for Company Growth

Ever move so fast as a part of a startup or high-growth company that you forget to look up? Yep, us too. But when you forget to look up, or you're moving full-steam ahead, it's easy to ignore one of the things that matters most: your people. Leaders are often the worst culprits. They've got so much

Recruiting in the Relationship Economy
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 9, 2013
Susan LaMotte

Recruiting in the Relationship Economy

This post originally appeared on Talemetry's Blog Talemetry Today. Advertise job, receive resume, email candidate, process offer — our recruiting processes have become more transactional than ever. That’s not a bad thing! We have more tools than ever to source, track and manage candidate, and that t

Talent and HR News Roundup: Startup Leadership Edition
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 9, 2013

Talent and HR News Roundup: Startup Leadership Edition

A key part of growth for every startup and high-growth organization is talent. The people. That's how we make our living here at exaqueo. But sometimes the best examples are right in front of us -- growing startups every day. This week we've been paying attention to some of those leaders and pass al

Big Data Employee Style: The 4 Kinds of Workforce Data You Really Need
Oct 7, 2019
Aug 7, 2013
Susan LaMotte

Big Data Employee Style: The 4 Kinds of Workforce Data You Really Need

In my experience, HR is usually a year and a half behind the curve for many business trends. From TQM in the 1980's, balanced scorecard in the 1990's -- we're usually behind the curve. When I was in HR for a F500 company in 2007 and first started talking about using social media in HR, people though

Talent and HR News Roundup: Talent Performance Management Edition
Oct 3, 2019
Aug 2, 2013

Talent and HR News Roundup: Talent Performance Management Edition

The annual performance review is about as old and tired as Granny. It's time for a change! Or is it? Either way, managing employees -- being able to deliver feedback in some consistent way is the bane of leaders' existence everywhere. This week we share four perspectives on talent performance manage

Work Rules: What They Are and Why You Need Them
Oct 3, 2019
Jul 30, 2013

Work Rules: What They Are and Why You Need Them

Every company wants to be cool in some way -- more specifically, be known for something: a great place to work, a cool thing to be part of, a place people brag about joining. That's where the values come in. Whether valuable or not (pun intended), core values are the hot topic when it comes to cultu

Why Hiring the Best Can Make Your Company Fail
Oct 3, 2019
Jul 29, 2013

Why Hiring the Best Can Make Your Company Fail

I once had a very successful startup founder say to me, “I don’t get it. I hired all of the smartest people I could find. And they all hate each other now.” There’s a clear path to startup success: killer idea, strong funding, high growth, impressive valuation. But many startup founders get to that

Talent and HR News Roundup: Recruiting and Hiring Edition
Oct 3, 2019
Jul 26, 2013

Talent and HR News Roundup: Recruiting and Hiring Edition

As the summer begins to wind down, recruiters prepare for the busiest month of the year: September. It's when companies tend to hire the most and you'd better be prepared. If you're a startup or high-growth company you'll be competing against the big corporate guns with the money to spend on recruit

How to Hire for a Startup
Oct 3, 2019
Jul 24, 2013

How to Hire for a Startup

It's a pivotal moment, really. The point when you finally hit the magic budget number and you can add to your startup team. But chances are you have no idea how to hire. No offense, but it's true. Sure, you've worked in companies before and added to your team. You've interviewed before. How hard can

Talent and HR News Roundup: Technology and Tools Edition
Oct 3, 2019
Jul 19, 2013

Talent and HR News Roundup: Technology and Tools Edition

When you make strategic recommendations for a living, it goes without saying that you have to know your technology and tools. The organizations relying on exaqueo for broad guidance also need help with execution. And that often means bringing in help in the form of technology and tools. What we're s

Thursday Lunch Break: Travel and Relax
Oct 3, 2019
Jul 18, 2013

Thursday Lunch Break: Travel and Relax

Today's Thursday Lunch Break is live from London. That's right, I'm on vacation. Yes, I do travel much of the time but it's almost always for work. This time I convinced my mom to join me (#MominLondon) and had an "I needed this" moment at afternoon tea, at The Goring Hotel. We sat down to gorgeous

Startup Employer Branding: Why You Need It
Oct 7, 2019
Jul 16, 2013
Susan LaMotte

Startup Employer Branding: Why You Need It

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with the uber-smart co-founder and CMO of Piston Cloud, Gretchen Curtis. Gretchen was fresh off a panel I hosted for HR-types to help them understand why they should care about marketing. It reminded me to turn the tables and ask "why should startups care about HR and

Talent and HR News Roundup: Building Your Team Edition
Oct 7, 2019
Jul 12, 2013
Susan LaMotte

Talent and HR News Roundup: Building Your Team Edition

Startups and high-growth companies always struggle when they hit the bumps in the road recruiting and managing talent.  Part of the challenge is that most founders aren't experts in people and human capital management. Like finance, sales and product development, managing the strategy for a growing

Thursday Lunch Break: Listen to Your Content
Oct 7, 2019
Jul 11, 2013
Susan LaMotte

Thursday Lunch Break: Listen to Your Content

Work or work out? That is the question. Ever since I was little, I've been active in some way. I took ballet for 15 years and played lacrosse, field hockey, tennis and softball in school.  As an adult, I've made a failed attempt at marathon training (thanks left knee for the fun surgery) and now pra

Startup Company Culture: What is It?
Oct 7, 2019
Jul 9, 2013
Susan LaMotte

Startup Company Culture: What is It?

Slides. Ping pong. Work from home. No offices. Free beer.  This is how we often describe startup company cultures. Descriptive nouns often hiding what they really are -- benefits or perks; cool stuff we get. THIS does not a company culture make. Founders are always asking me how to create culture. A

We're Proud to Be Social About HR
Oct 7, 2019
Jul 8, 2013
Susan LaMotte

We're Proud to Be Social About HR

I started blogging in 2002. I designed a social talent network in 2007. I launched a social recruiting game in 2011. It's fair to say--I love to be social. But what I really love is thinking about new ways to connect people in the talent stream.  My personal brandline has always been: "where busines

Thursday Lunch Break: Peggy Olson
Oct 3, 2019
Jun 27, 2013

Thursday Lunch Break: Peggy Olson

So, what did you think of the Mad Men finale? Whether you loved or hated it, watching characters evolve on the show (or on any well-written show) is like watching your own kids grow up (or so I am assuming). But when I watched "Peggy Olson Grows Up," I had another thought too. What if we could watch

Why It Sucks to Work At [Company]
Oct 3, 2019
Jun 27, 2013

Why It Sucks to Work At [Company]

There's no shortage of complaints on workplaces over at Glassdoor. And I remember freaking out when I managed Marriott's employer brand and an employee at a branded hotel did this. We all have the things we love and hate about work, workplaces, bosses, co-workers etc.  So I'm never surprised when a